Introduction to our services, video produced to be found.

Screenshot from main intro video explaining how This Video Works gets footage found online

The above video is a compilation of the five clips that explain what we do in terms of getting the videos we produce, found. The first is on our home page.

We use a combination of good research, to understand your business and ideal customers, a good script to connect the content to the searches that should find the business.

And then we code the video for search and add traditional SEO.

video transcript below -

Hi, I’m Nick from this video works. This is a brief introduction to tell you a little bit about us and hopefully to tell you what is special about us.

This video works is a video production company that specialises in producing content that is going to get found online and on social media.

We are if you like research based.

We specialise in making sure the content we produce fits the search queries being asked of Google and the other key search engines.

This is very important because this is what’s going to get you found. It enables you to connect to your audience because the search engines will put two and two together if you like and connect you, because you will answer the queries that they are being asked.

How we do that?

It’s quite simple. We start by talking to you about your business.

We get a good understanding of what you do, what’s special about your business. We get a good understanding of what you’re looking for. What sort of customer you’re looking for.

And what you offer them that possibly other people don’t or what’s special about your offering …

and we’re able to help you convey that in a script that we write or in prompts that we produce to help you talk about the business, basically keeping you on track making sure you don’t miss any key points.

We’re very easy about filming.

We try to make it as relaxed as possible and we don’t mind doing numerous takes to make sure that you get all the points that you need to get in and we can edit to bring multiple clips into one seamless coherent clear script.

Once we’ve got that footage, once we’re happy with it, you’re happy with it, we then produce transcripts and closed captions, which enable the video, whether it’s on YouTube, whether it’s on your website, to be read by people but also to be read by the search engines and that’s absolutely critical.

We also place this transcript in code. It’s the code that was written by Google Yahoo Yandex and Bing to create a language to categorise the web entirely.

This works on location, what you do and it also works on the queries that you’re being asked of. It’s particularly strong in health, automotive and retail but it’s expanding all the time to take on new areas. The language is growing.

It’s very very powerful.

The second part of how we research the script is to use search listening, this enables us to look very closely at an enormous number of search queries that should have led to your business and we can delve really deeply into the data to find exactly the right connection between you and your chosen audience.

We can do this on location. We can do this on subject and we can drill down to find key bits of information that are really going to be important for you to connect and again, of course that gets fed back into the script that the search engines can then read and connect you to your audience.

In addition to that we can do depth interviews. I have a market research background and I worked for a number of years in corporate identity and brand identity.

My role was principally to film and to interview business leaders about what they were planning to do.

So, I have a great deal of experience of talking to people, understanding what they’re doing and helping them to communicate exactly what they need to communicate.

My other research background is in local government in the UK. I’ve done international research, in the medical industry particularly in prosthetics, that was online, hugely successful.

I’ve worked for national government in safety and also in food.

The third thing that we do and this is quite new. We’re a YouTube Creator and have access to YouTube’s Creator Insights. This is enabling us to find out more about what drives people to look at particular YouTube videos, the key issue for us as researchers. You can’t really work on what a search on YouTube meant because people quickly move away from the original video they’ve looked at and onto something else.

What insights is planned to give us is much more information on where they’ve gone and what really caught their attention and that should help us build a profile to make sure that we can target visitors to you on YouTube and also to direct them to you.

That’s something that’s quite exciting and we’re keen to progress that.

We do SEO traditional SEO, video SEO we’re also starting to use AI to help identify key words and to drive those.

We do research keywords, but we don’t charge on a monthly basis, never quite understood that but I mean basically your keywords don’t change very much.

I don’t understand why people get charged month after month after month for the same words, but that’s just my personal view.

What we do is as part of our research, we look at the keywords your competitors are using, you’re using and we’re making sure that where appropriate and where it’s going to work that’s fed in.

But one of the things that is very important, is that the latest Google algorithm change, and they change all the time, but we’ve just been through a major change.

This is one that Google classes as ‘helpful’.

And I believe it is, it’s moving away from Google’s reliance on keywords and key phrases to concentrate on what’s actually written and what’s in video on a site talking about a business or a service or anything for that matter, a sport.

Talking about what’s different about it, we’re looking at organic content.

We’re not looking at lots of keywords forced into to get noticed.

Google is looking for differentiation, looking for a story and video in particular is perfect to do that.

One of the key issues that we have as a content provider and SEO specialist, is that we have clients who are competing against Google Ads.

We can do a fantastic job talking about brands and get you found.

We can do a fantastic job locally. That’s really, I won’t say it’s easy, but it’s very effective.

And the code that we write into videos is extremely effective and it does put you ahead of Google ads …

but where we struggle and everybody struggles is if another company is selling exactly the same products as is in the case of a couple of our clients and is advertising and is also discounting, that’s virtually impossible to beat.

What you can do though is to talk about what is special about your business.

Consumers particularly consumers who are looking to work or purchase from or work with smaller businesses, are looking for those extras, the service, the attention to detail, for quality, the craftsmanship that goes into what you make, anything like that and video’s the perfect means to talk about that.

And of course the code that accompanies it makes sure that Google understands it and the other key search engines do too.

This is the basis of what we do.

Thank you.

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