Claudio Lugli marketing video for Gabucci

Video thumbnail for Claudio Lugli introduction video for Gabucci Menswear in Bath, shot and edited by Serious Content, London

Claudio Lugli shirts are not for the shy, retiring type. Ali sells amazing Claudio Lugli shirts in his Bath store Gabucci. He talked a little about the colourful and witty brand and why it is so popular.

John Smedley product video for Gabucci

Video thumbnail for John Smedley introduction video for Gabucci Menswear in Bath, shot and edited by Serious Content, London

As part of a series of videos Serious Content produced for Gabucci this spring, we focussed on two key brands, John Smedley and Claudio Lugli which really represent both ends of the fashion spectrum that Gabucci offer.

Series of menswear marketing videos for Gabucci

Claudio Lugli introduction video for Gabucci Menswear in Bath, shot and edited by Serious Content, London

Shot in a single day along with a photoshoot of suits and shirts, we have produced an introduction video for the home page, a series of three videos about their tailoring and bespoke services and two further videos introducing their main brands, Claudio Lugli and John Smedley.

I shoot stills too

Photography for antiques and antique clocks video and website, shot and edited by Serious Content, London

We’re very experienced working with clients in fine art and antiques and are adept at photographing small, intricate items in very precise focus. We’ve recently provided photographs for a construction website, showing everything from concrete floors being laid to engineers ‘floating’ specialist bolts in building foundations. We also provide product photography for e-commerce sites.